Vinyl banner wrapped around the column in pre-function space across from AFS Registration and the exhibit hall entrance.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline:
Vinyl banner wrapped around the column in pre-function space across from AFS Registration and the exhibit hall entrance.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline:
Vinyl banner wrapped around the column in pre-function space across from AFS Registration and the exhibit hall entrance.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline:
Vinyl banner wrapped around the column in pre-function space outside session rooms 17-24.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline:
Vinyl banner wrapped around the column in pre-function space outside session rooms 17-24.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline:
Vinyl banner wrapped around the column in pre-function space outside session rooms 17-24.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline:
Four-sided structure with overlay graphics
Graphics: 56.875" wide x 96" high per panel
Quantity 4 panels around the structure
Four-sided structure with overlay graphics
Graphics: 56.875" wide x 96" high per panel
Quantity 4 panels around the structure
Free-standing advertisement— 38" wide x 84" high and double-sided—will be placed in the entry of the show floor, offering a great opportunity to promote your company’s message and booth location. Price includes production, installation, and removal.
Deadline to submit materials:
DECSCRIPTION: Double-sided foamcore meterboard
VISIBLE SPACE: 38.25”W x 78”H - The bottom 6" of the meter board will be covered by the meterboard base.
Escalators from Hilton leading to exhibit hall, registration and educational sessions.
Opportunity Details
Sponsorship Deadline: February 20, 2020
Escalators from exhibit hall to Keynote room.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline: March 17, 2020
Showcase your brand on a large graphic visible from both the meeting rooms and Keynote.
Five glass panels that are 54.575" wide x 38.5" high each
Extra large column wrap with overlay graphics over GEM frame in pre-function space outside session rooms 17-24.
Opportunity Details:
Sponsorship Deadline: